End-of-Life (EoL) Management in Multi-Storey Building Structures Using Design for Deconstruction Approach: A Review
Published 2024-07-07
- Building Construction,
- Deconstructability,
- Multi-storey Structures,
- Sustainable Development,
- Waste Minimization
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In structural design, deconstruction is an age-old concept of reusing existing structural components to create new facilities. It is an alternative to the negative impact of construction and demolition waste around the world, essential for creating a sustainable environment. This study shows the potential of responsibly managing building materials to minimize the consumption of new raw materials by using existing materials from demolished sites and finding ways to reuse them in another construction project. A comprehensive review is presented to indicate the utilization of design for deconstruction in multi-story structures, and the challenges and other factors influencing this approach in minimizing waste are likewise indicated. The result reveals that despite efforts in mitigating demolition waste through deconstruction, there has not been a progressive increase in the level of design for deconstruction implementation because the system is still far from reaching its waste minimization potentials since less than 1% of existing buildings are fully deconstructable in several developing countries. Therefore, new strategies that encourage designers to consider design for deconstruction must be encouraged most importantly in developing countries.
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