Seismic Resilience in Kota Kinabalu: Ground Response and Liquefaction Risk Assessment for Existing Buildings
Published 2025-01-01
- Soil flexibility,
- Kota Kinabalu Sabah,
- Seismic Design Response Spectra,
- Soil Liquefaction Assessment
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Seismic considerations have become increasingly critical in Malaysian structural design due to heightened awareness following notable earthquakes, such as the Ranau earthquake, which recorded a peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.15g. This has led to the adoption of the Malaysia National Annex to Eurocode 8 (MS EN 1998-1:2015), providing guidelines for earthquake-resistant design since 2017. This study focuses on: (1) establishing earthquake design response spectra for Kota Kinabalu. (2) Assessing soil liquefaction susceptibility. (3) Investigating potential ground settlement due to liquefaction. The ground response analysis methodology involves: (i) obtaining ground motion data. (ii) Analyzing dynamic soil characteristics from boreholes. (iii) Conducting 1-D shear wave propagation analysis using DEEPSOIL software. (iv) Developing site-specific response spectra. For liquefaction assessment, the process includes acquiring borehole logs, evaluating liquefaction risk, and estimating settlement using LiquefyPro software. The study projects a seismic response spectrum for Sabah with a PGA of 0.16g, reflecting regional seismic hazards. An amplification factor between 3 and 5 is expected based on site-specific conditions. Liquefaction risk is concluded to be minimal, as borehole data and historical evidence indicate low susceptibility in Sabah. These findings provide valuable insights for improving seismic resilience in the region and contribute to the development of safer infrastructure designs aligned with Malaysian standards.
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